This is my absolute first blog contribution to my absolute first blog! I’ve never thought about starting one before. Considering the majority of blogs are, according to me, really uninteresting.
But this first episode won’t be about uninteresting blogging. (because now it feels kind of exciting to have started one) No. To initiate my blog I will talk about an article I’ve read about snooping bosses. It’s an article about employers spying on employees and monitoring their behaviours. Spying is morally wrong! I’ve could have stopped there, but is spying on someone still wrong if the victim is doing something wrong, or even illegal. When you put it in perspective it’s hard to decide if the spying was the right thing to do. Some examples in the article are about people getting busted for quite serious matters. An employee spending working hours on Facebook is not something that the boss shouldn’t turn a blind eye to. As an employee you have a requirement to follow the working agreement and make progress in the daily job and make an asset to your company. If you’re not comfortable with that then maybe you should find yourself another job. If I caught one of my employees wasting working time, I’m not sure if I could trust that person taking responsibility for his work.
On the other hand the integrity of one person must be protected as well. Everybody has the right to freedom and the boss has absolutely no business of spying on your personal life. The greatest achievement as boss is to gain trust in your fellow co-workers without all this spying procedure.

I was looking for the answer 'is spying legal?' and I found answer after reading your views "is spying on someone still wrong if the victim is doing something wrong, or even illegal" spying for a cause of good is ok.....I agree.
SvaraRaderaAnd spending time on facebook for hours is of course of boss concern. But what about an employee, exploring facebook after finishing the assigned jobs or completing targets ?
I do appreciate your views about the integrity of individuals within a company since if you are a boss and you respect the integrity of your employees, they will respect you even more.
Quite strong words there. How can spying be more morally wrong than wasting your boss' money on Facebook-surfing? If surveillance wasn't needed, it wouldn't exist. If you are uncomfortable getting watched, you only have yourself or your colleagues to blame. And being uncomfortable with surveillace might mean you have something to hide, don't you think?
SvaraRaderaHowever, I agree with you regarding surveillance at home. What you do outside the company is your own business. At least if it doesn't affect your company in any way.
Awesome goatpic, bro.
//Erik Johansson
I agree with you on most things. Regarding spying I think the law ought to be much more clear in this area so that everyone knows how things are. Currently it is legal to spy on your employees without their knowing it. And that's a big problem for a open society.
SvaraRaderaThis was a good assignment with many interesting views. Especially if surveillance actually is wrong if the employees actually are misbehave at work. It´s situations like this that creates questions that’s need to be answered to ensure that the company create a consistent handling procedure. Overall I think we share the same views over what grounds you can fire an employee and when or when not to spy on them.
SvaraRaderaI agree with you on most points. I also hold the same view that if one has been working under a certain work agreement then he/she is bound to follow that. But it should also be specified in the work agreement that an employees' activities will be monitored during his/her job. The personal life of the employee should also be taken care of, otherwise it can deteriorate the performance of the worker.
SvaraRaderaIn addition to this, I agree with you that there is a need to focus more on improving the managerial skills of the people in authority.